1 mile
Easy-20 min
Felt like (1-10): 5
Seriously couldn't even reach my goal of 40-45 min. or running. I did run at the 12 min./mile pace for 5 min. but that's it. I was seriously lacking in motivation. My shins weren't cooperating at all. I really need to figure that part out.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
First swimming class. Most people in the class knew the basics so we got to practice form and technique. We'll also build up on cardiovascular fitness. I did some pool running. I liked it a lot. Feels good because there's no stress on my knees or feet. I'm going to look into more pool running exercises.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
? miles
Hard-1 hr
Felt like (1-10): 8
Tough track workout. I warmed up and ran around the track a few laps before we started cuz I felt guilty from yesterday. This workout was continuous running. 100, 200, 300, 400 all hard with 100 easy between and then repeat backwards. (400, 300, 200, 100). Really builds up running hard for a longer time.
Hard-1 hr
Felt like (1-10): 8
Tough track workout. I warmed up and ran around the track a few laps before we started cuz I felt guilty from yesterday. This workout was continuous running. 100, 200, 300, 400 all hard with 100 easy between and then repeat backwards. (400, 300, 200, 100). Really builds up running hard for a longer time.
Monday, January 28, 2008
no run today...=(. no real excuse except that my tummy wasnt feeling too good...but thats lame. I will work extra hard tomorrow to make Tuesday night track workout count. I need to regain the motivation I had before Carlsbad and get back into some good progress.
I went to my first swim class today. I signed up for community college swimming just so I could have the discipline of 2 extra cross-training workouts a week. woohoo. But since it was the first day, it was just info orientation that lasted all of 20 min. Didnt even get in the water. Wednesday we will be in the water. Yay.
I went to my first swim class today. I signed up for community college swimming just so I could have the discipline of 2 extra cross-training workouts a week. woohoo. But since it was the first day, it was just info orientation that lasted all of 20 min. Didnt even get in the water. Wednesday we will be in the water. Yay.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The SD Rock n' Roll Marathon Course
Click to make larger. Starts near the SD zoo, head toward downtown. Run up the 163 to Friars and up through Bay Park/Clairemont. Go around Mission Bay, through the south end of PB and pass Sea World. End at MCRD. Holy Schmoly what have I gotten myself into. I'm used to running around Balboa park and around Mission Bay. Even downtown and the 163 from prior events. But in parts and peices, never all at once..haha.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Social hour
? miles
Easy-50 min.
Felt like (1-10): 7
Easy-50 min.
Felt like (1-10): 7
Today was a Saturday long run. I didn't make it the full hour because for some reason I ended up being more social than running. I am usually not like this but I ended up talking to people the whole time. It wasn't on purpose..it just happened. I can't even really talk about the route much cuz I wasn't paying attention. On the way out, I met Mike..an experienced slow marathoner with great tips. This is his 8th marathon and he was filled with information. He did most of the talking giving great advice or things to check out. I now wasnt to look into "Chi running" and run injury free. I'm also looking to adjust my routine and ice my legs. He gave an explanation as to why this was a good thing, but I can't remember. I get to the 1st water station and I'm ready to go back because it's been 30 min. I lose track of where Mike is but I meet Patrick. We run back together and he's polar opposite of Mike in terms of training. This is Patricks first time running ever (since the program anyway). He's never done a running event. Just a few weeks ago, running around the track for our warmup was the most running he'd ever done. So I do a lot of talking now since I'm the more experienced. I talk about how it was for me in the beginning and how it gets easier and how amazed he'll be when he's done with this program. He was inspired by his triathlete girlfriend. yay. All types of people running marathons...=)
Friday, January 25, 2008
Carlsbad half pictures
I run with sunglasses and hat to hide the sun...I'm dark enough as it is. hehe. Those sunglasses were ones I bought at the expo the day before..I like them a lot because they didn't fog up much like my other ones do. Anyway..the debut of my running outfit that I bought back in october. So cute. I wanted to debut it for the Silver Strand half marathon back in november but I got sick so I wore pants and a long tech tee and stocked myself with cough drops and tissue. Yes, it is very possible to run sick but it's not so fun.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Rainy and cold
2 miles
Easy-40 min.
Felt like (1-10): 6
The rain really doesn't help things. It's cold and I want to do is cuddle up in my blankets...or with christophers of course. Anyways, I almost didn't even go to the gym. I went cuz I put on running clothes. Once you convince your mind to do at least that, you have nothing left to do but to go. I powerwalked mostly. Really wasn't up for it...oh well. 40 min of that is better than nothing. Looking forward to this Saturday morning's 1 hr run in the predicted rain forecast..blah.
Easy-40 min.
Felt like (1-10): 6
The rain really doesn't help things. It's cold and I want to do is cuddle up in my blankets...or with christophers of course. Anyways, I almost didn't even go to the gym. I went cuz I put on running clothes. Once you convince your mind to do at least that, you have nothing left to do but to go. I powerwalked mostly. Really wasn't up for it...oh well. 40 min of that is better than nothing. Looking forward to this Saturday morning's 1 hr run in the predicted rain forecast..blah.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
3 team relay track workout
3 miles
Med-12 laps
Felt like (1-10): 6
Oddly enough, I was smiling the whole time. Only because it was funny watching people run around. I could barely run though. My hamstrings were killing me. My knees were feeling it a bit as well. I took it WAY easy tonight even if t meant slowing my team down. Oh well. Do the wave and run.
I'm all signed up for the Carlsbad 5k in april. What did it for me was a free cool t-shirt and a $10 discount. A good reason why the metro SDTC is a little better than north county because the girl said they weren't going up there with free shirts. woooo. Yea..i run for the stuff...for some reason the stuff motivates me..haha.
Med-12 laps
Felt like (1-10): 6
Oddly enough, I was smiling the whole time. Only because it was funny watching people run around. I could barely run though. My hamstrings were killing me. My knees were feeling it a bit as well. I took it WAY easy tonight even if t meant slowing my team down. Oh well. Do the wave and run.
I'm all signed up for the Carlsbad 5k in april. What did it for me was a free cool t-shirt and a $10 discount. A good reason why the metro SDTC is a little better than north county because the girl said they weren't going up there with free shirts. woooo. Yea..i run for the stuff...for some reason the stuff motivates me..haha.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Carlsbad Half Marathon!
Ok, let me tell you..I am absolutely thrilled right now. I feel amazing! Let's talk about my past half marathon times first so you can see why I'm feeling the way I feel.
Disneyland 2006: 3 hr 05 min 03 seconds
US half San Francisco 2006: 3 hr 12 min 39 seconds
La Jolla 2007: 3 hr 04 min 45 seconds
Silver Strand 2007: 3 hr 17 min 07 seconds (I was sick)
So my goal for the Carlsbad was to break this 3 hr barrier. All I wanted was a 2:59:59. Just to see that 2 there. Throughout the whole run, I was thinking this. Whenever I felt myself slow down, I tried to pick it up. As I got further, I even rationalized that if I saw the clock at the finish read 3:02:00 it would be ok cuz I hadn't crossed the start line at exactly the start time. Here are my official Carlsbad results:
1/20/2008 Carlsbad CA
Carlsbad Marathon - Half Marathon
Name: Ellen Mae Lim
Gender: F
Age: 25
Hometown: San Diego CA
Place Overall: 5149 out of 6334
Women: 2792 out of 3702
F 25-29: 619 out of 726
AgeGrade: 40.98%
Place: 5308
FINISH: 2:39:31
pace: 12:11
6.6 Mile: 1:20:12
pace: 12:09
Chip Time: 2:39:31
Gun Time: 2:42:06
Yes, I improved my PR time by 25 min!! I had no idea I was going to improve by that much. It was a shock to see the clock at the finish line. I knew at 5 miles into the race that I was keeping a good 12 min. pace...which was pretty gratifying at the time. All those speed endurance workouts were paying off. Especially since the first couple of miles were crowded and I had to dodge walkers. At mile 10, I was starting to slow. My knees were killing me but I had to keep going. I kept thinking of my goal. The finish was an adrenaline rush. As soon as I hit mile 13, I surged for the last 0.1 mile, seriously passing at least 10 people on the way to the finish line. I made a very Spartan/300 noise though as I surged. Like I was ready to attack. I bet people were laughing, but I could hear lots of people cheering. As I crossed, I was crying with tons of happiness just shocked at what the clock time read knowing my chip time would be a few minutes less. Amazing!
Some noteworthy things about the race. It is very well organized. They have a great expo, lots of volunteers, and plenty of resources. They had plenty of water stations, lots of cheering spectators, and entertainment. That explains a lot about why it was a sold out race. A lot of confident people run these things because let me tell you..I saw a lot of jiggly butt people wearing spandex. Another weirdo thing was seeing this guy run without shoes! That was just ludicrous. He was barefoot on the black pavement...not only is that dangerous, even just walking, but his feet and legs have no support as he hits the ground with each running step.
From what I've heard, so many people got new PR's for this race. The weather was perfect running weather and the rolling hills really make you use more variety of leg muscle that you don't overwear out the main ones soo soon. It's an excellent race for boosting your time..yay!
Anyways...will see about posting pics later when they put them up. Unfortunately, I didn't get any candid pictures because I forgot my camera. But even if I remembered, Chris didn't make it to the finish line in time to see me. Both of us didn't know I would finish that quickly. He thought he had time to check out the lay of the land before settling in at the finish line. Oh well.
Disneyland 2006: 3 hr 05 min 03 seconds
US half San Francisco 2006: 3 hr 12 min 39 seconds
La Jolla 2007: 3 hr 04 min 45 seconds
Silver Strand 2007: 3 hr 17 min 07 seconds (I was sick)
So my goal for the Carlsbad was to break this 3 hr barrier. All I wanted was a 2:59:59. Just to see that 2 there. Throughout the whole run, I was thinking this. Whenever I felt myself slow down, I tried to pick it up. As I got further, I even rationalized that if I saw the clock at the finish read 3:02:00 it would be ok cuz I hadn't crossed the start line at exactly the start time. Here are my official Carlsbad results:
1/20/2008 Carlsbad CA
Carlsbad Marathon - Half Marathon
Name: Ellen Mae Lim
Gender: F
Age: 25
Hometown: San Diego CA
Place Overall: 5149 out of 6334
Women: 2792 out of 3702
F 25-29: 619 out of 726
AgeGrade: 40.98%
Place: 5308
FINISH: 2:39:31
pace: 12:11
6.6 Mile: 1:20:12
pace: 12:09
Chip Time: 2:39:31
Gun Time: 2:42:06
Yes, I improved my PR time by 25 min!! I had no idea I was going to improve by that much. It was a shock to see the clock at the finish line. I knew at 5 miles into the race that I was keeping a good 12 min. pace...which was pretty gratifying at the time. All those speed endurance workouts were paying off. Especially since the first couple of miles were crowded and I had to dodge walkers. At mile 10, I was starting to slow. My knees were killing me but I had to keep going. I kept thinking of my goal. The finish was an adrenaline rush. As soon as I hit mile 13, I surged for the last 0.1 mile, seriously passing at least 10 people on the way to the finish line. I made a very Spartan/300 noise though as I surged. Like I was ready to attack. I bet people were laughing, but I could hear lots of people cheering. As I crossed, I was crying with tons of happiness just shocked at what the clock time read knowing my chip time would be a few minutes less. Amazing!
Some noteworthy things about the race. It is very well organized. They have a great expo, lots of volunteers, and plenty of resources. They had plenty of water stations, lots of cheering spectators, and entertainment. That explains a lot about why it was a sold out race. A lot of confident people run these things because let me tell you..I saw a lot of jiggly butt people wearing spandex. Another weirdo thing was seeing this guy run without shoes! That was just ludicrous. He was barefoot on the black pavement...not only is that dangerous, even just walking, but his feet and legs have no support as he hits the ground with each running step.
From what I've heard, so many people got new PR's for this race. The weather was perfect running weather and the rolling hills really make you use more variety of leg muscle that you don't overwear out the main ones soo soon. It's an excellent race for boosting your time..yay!
Anyways...will see about posting pics later when they put them up. Unfortunately, I didn't get any candid pictures because I forgot my camera. But even if I remembered, Chris didn't make it to the finish line in time to see me. Both of us didn't know I would finish that quickly. He thought he had time to check out the lay of the land before settling in at the finish line. Oh well.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Carlsbad Marathon Expo
Didn't make my Saturday long run today...only because my long run will be tomorrow for the Carlsbad half marathon. 13.1 miles..woooo! So today I went to pick up my bib, shirt, chip, etc for tomorrow's event. I have to say it's a very organized expo compared to the others I've been to. There are a lot of vendors and they have a good flow. Plenty of parking and lots of volunteers. Got me excited. The best part was signing up for the SD Rock n Roll marathon. I have been looking for coupons and waiting till end of this month to see if there's more than a $10 off coupon. At the expo, it was $15 off and you got a shirt! oh yea. hehe. So I signed up there and paid $70 for the marathon...which is actually a really good deal. So yay. I'm all set.
A cool vendor at the expo that sells running tech gear with fun sayings. One of my favorite singlets said:
"Find your happy pace"
A cool vendor at the expo that sells running tech gear with fun sayings. One of my favorite singlets said:
"Find your happy pace"
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Running event wish list
Some future runs I hope to accomplish one day
- China-Full or half marathon on the Great Wall
- Athens, Greece marathon
- Maui, Hawaii- Full or half marathon or 15k
- Honolulu marathon
- New York marathon
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Strides w/ calisthenics
3 miles
Med- 45 min.
Felt like (1-10): 7.5
Tuesday night track workout. This was my first time doing calisthenics..yea..hard to pronounce funny sounding word which basically means heart rate up at all times, lots of running, and either sit-ups, pushups, or jumping jacks. The "Kinks" aka the slow pace group would run 100 meters/yards/i don't know the measurement and then do an exercise. Repeat 11 more times till you've done each exercise 3 times and 25 each. Tiring but made the time go by quick.
Med- 45 min.
Felt like (1-10): 7.5
Tuesday night track workout. This was my first time doing calisthenics..yea..hard to pronounce funny sounding word which basically means heart rate up at all times, lots of running, and either sit-ups, pushups, or jumping jacks. The "Kinks" aka the slow pace group would run 100 meters/yards/i don't know the measurement and then do an exercise. Repeat 11 more times till you've done each exercise 3 times and 25 each. Tiring but made the time go by quick.
Waiting to stretch
Last Saturday's run with SDTC..just waiting to get going. I had no idea someone was taking pictures.
Great debate on weight
Haha I come up with such awesome titles. Not really a debate as much as it was an agreeance and conversation but debate rhymes with weight so umm yea...lol. Initially, back in 2006 when I signed up for my first half marathon, the idea was to lose weight and go down a size. 2 years later and lots of miles later, I'm still the same size. But not to worry. I do fit better in my clothes and there has been a noticeable difference in face chub and most definitely in my leg muscles. Still walking around with that muffin top but it is possible the arms have shaped up a bit. Uyen and I agree that although the muffin top is still there, we are maintaining our weight instead of continuing to gain. What will help the most in losing it is what I eat. That's a must but also the hardest part. That was another agreeable conversation with my other friend Christine. You can only exercise so much. Consistency is key. One goal at a time I guess. Can't go overwhelming myself with a bunch of new goals.
Monday, January 14, 2008
New pace on the treadmill!
2 miles
Med- 30 min.
Felt like (1-10): 8.5
I tried going first to LAfitness cuz I had on a really cute outfit (New black fancy top and pink skort) Mmmhmmm...way cute. I'd take a picture but i'm all sweaty. I'll do it anyway...maybe I'll post it. LOL. I get there and there's absolutely no parking. I guess everyone's still hyped up and
motivated to fullfill new years resolutions. So I head over to my work gym instead. I start out on 4.5 miles/hr which is higher than I usually start out on. I work my way up to 5.0 mile/hr (12:00 min/mi pace) and stay at this pace the longest. I do a 5.5 mile/hr at around half way through for 5 min then back to 5.0. In the last .25 miles I go back to 5.5. Then in the last .15 miles I surge for a 6.0 mile/hr (10 min./mi pace) which I've never done ever. woooooo! That felt great.
[edit 10:11 pm added pic]
In other news, I'm considering going to that movie "Spirit of the Marathon" showing only for one night on Jan. 24th. I don't want to shell out $10 for a movie though so I'll risk showing up on that night with my $7 ticket from work. Hopefully it doesn't sell out and I can see it. Read about it here: http://www.marathonmovie.com/film.html
Med- 30 min.
Felt like (1-10): 8.5
I tried going first to LAfitness cuz I had on a really cute outfit (New black fancy top and pink skort) Mmmhmmm...way cute. I'd take a picture but i'm all sweaty. I'll do it anyway...maybe I'll post it. LOL. I get there and there's absolutely no parking. I guess everyone's still hyped up and
[edit 10:11 pm added pic]
In other news, I'm considering going to that movie "Spirit of the Marathon" showing only for one night on Jan. 24th. I don't want to shell out $10 for a movie though so I'll risk showing up on that night with my $7 ticket from work. Hopefully it doesn't sell out and I can see it. Read about it here: http://www.marathonmovie.com/film.html
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Noodling around Mission Bay
? miles
Med-1 hour
Felt like (1-10): 8
SDTC Saturday "long" run. My slow paced group does 40 min. but I'm training for the Carlsbad Half next weekend so I did 1 hour instead. It was a new route for me around Mission bay which I'm really excited about. This gives me more options when I go running over there. This is my last "long" run for the week until Carlsbad. Yay. I'm going to stick to 30 min. runs over the next week and focus on speed and tempo. I'll do the Tuesday night track workout as scheduled. Heavily massaging those shins really helps with the aches.
Med-1 hour
Felt like (1-10): 8
SDTC Saturday "long" run. My slow paced group does 40 min. but I'm training for the Carlsbad Half next weekend so I did 1 hour instead. It was a new route for me around Mission bay which I'm really excited about. This gives me more options when I go running over there. This is my last "long" run for the week until Carlsbad. Yay. I'm going to stick to 30 min. runs over the next week and focus on speed and tempo. I'll do the Tuesday night track workout as scheduled. Heavily massaging those shins really helps with the aches.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
YMCA Resolution run pics- December 29, 2007
Pics from a YMCA resolution run. Resolve to be fit! It was free and started at 11am ! Ran around beautiful Balboa Park. http://www.downtown.ymca.org/english/Index_SpecialEvents_ResolutionRun.html
Not really any pics of me running because I had just gotten over an allergy attack. The day before, I went to the doctor for breathing problems and got an inhaler. Doc told me not to run. I ran 1 mile...haha so there weren't really any pics. The first one was before the event began and that's me tossing my tangerine in the air! haha. The next is after the race.. Uyen and I laughing about something to do with the raffle. Enjoy!
Not really any pics of me running because I had just gotten over an allergy attack. The day before, I went to the doctor for breathing problems and got an inhaler. Doc told me not to run. I ran 1 mile...haha so there weren't really any pics. The first one was before the event began and that's me tossing my tangerine in the air! haha. The next is after the race.. Uyen and I laughing about something to do with the raffle. Enjoy!
Chugging along
4 miles- hills
Med 1 hour
Felt like (1-10): 6.5
One of the first times I did 8.5 miles around mission bay (I tend to do my long runs there) I remember having an especially hard time keeping up with an old guy (and when I say old, I mean he was like 80 years young walking) while going up the incline of a bridge. I finally pass him complaining about how slow I am and he gives me a smile and says "just keep chugging along." That's been one of my mantra's ever since..chug chug chug.
Ran around work today which sits on top of a hill. Focused on form and tried to forget about my shins which were nagging at me today.
Med 1 hour
Felt like (1-10): 6.5
One of the first times I did 8.5 miles around mission bay (I tend to do my long runs there) I remember having an especially hard time keeping up with an old guy (and when I say old, I mean he was like 80 years young walking) while going up the incline of a bridge. I finally pass him complaining about how slow I am and he gives me a smile and says "just keep chugging along." That's been one of my mantra's ever since..chug chug chug.
Ran around work today which sits on top of a hill. Focused on form and tried to forget about my shins which were nagging at me today.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Straightaway strides..
2 miles
Med-8 laps
Felt like (1-10): 8.5
My first track workout. Felt great except for in my right knee. Need to start some knee strengthening exercises ASAP. I liked doing the straightaways at 5k pace and then jogging the curves. It's always nice knowing you'll get a breather soon so I did push hard on those straightaways. I also took advantage of the people on the track and made it a point to look ahead and beat them. haha. I highly recommend this kind of workout for speed and even endurance.
Med-8 laps
Felt like (1-10): 8.5
My first track workout. Felt great except for in my right knee. Need to start some knee strengthening exercises ASAP. I liked doing the straightaways at 5k pace and then jogging the curves. It's always nice knowing you'll get a breather soon so I did push hard on those straightaways. I also took advantage of the people on the track and made it a point to look ahead and beat them. haha. I highly recommend this kind of workout for speed and even endurance.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Dread tread
2.5 miles
Easy-30 min.
Felt like(1-10): 7
Tonight, I walk into LAfitness trying to psych myself up for a treadmill run when one of the personal trainers comes up to me and asks what I'm working on. I tell him I'm just going to run and he asks if I want to do weights since he's got nothing to do. I'm confused for a minute but in the back of my mind I knew it was him trying to convince me to sign up for their personal trainer deals of the month or something. I go along with it since it's been a few weeks since I've done any weights and we work on arm exercises for the next 20 min. Currently, I can't get my arms to stop shaking...I think it was too much weight too soon and I KNOW I'm going to feel it the next few days.
Hopped on the treadmill for an easy run today...wished I stayed longer so I could feel better prepared for the Carlsbad half but it didn't happen since too many people were waiting to use the machines and I was feeling guilty that I went over the 20 min. limit. Oh well. I hate treadmill running..it's too monotonous for me. But it's the only option if I can't wake up early enough or try to do it at lunch. I still feel good that I'm running at a faster pace for a longer time, so that's helpful.
Easy-30 min.
Felt like(1-10): 7
Tonight, I walk into LAfitness trying to psych myself up for a treadmill run when one of the personal trainers comes up to me and asks what I'm working on. I tell him I'm just going to run and he asks if I want to do weights since he's got nothing to do. I'm confused for a minute but in the back of my mind I knew it was him trying to convince me to sign up for their personal trainer deals of the month or something. I go along with it since it's been a few weeks since I've done any weights and we work on arm exercises for the next 20 min. Currently, I can't get my arms to stop shaking...I think it was too much weight too soon and I KNOW I'm going to feel it the next few days.
Hopped on the treadmill for an easy run today...wished I stayed longer so I could feel better prepared for the Carlsbad half but it didn't happen since too many people were waiting to use the machines and I was feeling guilty that I went over the 20 min. limit. Oh well. I hate treadmill running..it's too monotonous for me. But it's the only option if I can't wake up early enough or try to do it at lunch. I still feel good that I'm running at a faster pace for a longer time, so that's helpful.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Useful or annoying?

Whenever I run with Uyen, I get an accurate update on what our pace is, how far we've run, and what time it is. All possible with her Garmin forefunner watch which has a gps tracking for distance measurements. Recently, my coworker showed me the latest model. They made it even smaller and easier to wear. (Previous models were on the bulky side). I'm on the fence about getting this watch. On the one hand it does calculate useful data while OUT on a run so I can adjust accordingly. On the other hand, it'll be a constant reminder of how much farther I have left to go. I worry about quitting too early and the numbers playing mind games. Running with Uyen eliminates those mind games because she counts on me to finish and vice versa of course. Anyways, check out the cool watch here: https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=142&pID=11039
AND my January 1, 2008 entry from my other blog thats more appropriate here now:
Ok, lets talk about running now..I did 10 miles yesterday morning to prepare for the Carlsbad half. It felt great. Usually, I'm wiped out after a long run, but yesterday for some reason I got productive. My room is so clean and organized...I love it! =)
I do a lot of thinking when I run these long distances. I think most people who decide to run a Marathon aren't runners to begin with. I think ANYONE can run more then a 5k. It's all about the mind. If you have all your limbs, you have no excuse. So many people with no legs are running these things. I think what scares most people from the sport is the beginning of a run. The first mile or so. The first part of any training. The first couple of months...whatever it is, there's a threshold that people need to reach before feeling that climax. Everything before that threshold is usually full of pain but with strength of mind, you can overcome that. Remind yourself that you have all your limbs. It'll finally get to a point where you can breathe a normal breathing pace as if you were walking, but you're actually running. Your lungs adjust. It's a good feeling. I wish more people would understand this. I hate hearing people say they can't run. But I used to think that way, so I can't blame them. I just wish more people would challenge themselves to do something they thought they couldn't do and then set out to do it. They should just try.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The intro and why I'm doing this blog
I decided to start this blog for several reasons. Number 1 reason is help keep me accountable to my new running schedule. Inspired by Dawn Dais and her book "The Non Runner's Marathon Guide for Women" (good book btw) it'll keep friends and family updated on my progress. Hopefully I don't stray and I stay on track...if not, by all means..say what you need to say to get my butt moving! =). I've left the comments open to public posting so you shouldn't need an account. I plan on updating this blog at least once a week, so that's at least 22 posts until the marathon. It'll most likely be more though.
I've kept it separate from my other blog to keep things orderly. I like that google has taken over blogger.com and I feel confident it will meet my needs. I just want to stay organized and keeping them separate will really help see the progress and hopefully motivate me some more.
I also hope through this blog that I can inspire others to challenge themselves and accomplish something they never in a million years thought was possible. That's how this whole marathon thing is even possible for me. I was never a runner and not at all athletic growing up. But 2 years ago, I was inspired by active coworkers and in Jan 2006, I signed up for my first half marathon. I completed the Disneyland half marathon September 2006 and have since run 3 more. I have Carlsbad coming up in 3 weeks as well. I've run many smaller races in between them. I just got addicted to crossing finish lines and probably the endorphins as well. Other things have changed too...lilke I drink more water and I get up early on SATURDAY morning to run. Imagine that! The whole thing has just made me believe that I can do anything and I'm up for at least trying.
So I've signed up for the SD track clubs Rockin' n Running marathon training program. You can check them out here: www.sdtc.com
My schedule for the next 22 weeks looks a little like this:
Tuesday-track workout
Friday-rest! yay!
Saturday-LONG run
Sunday-active recovery
It's crazy. I'm used to running maybe 3 times a week, so this is nuts. Today was the first time I ever ran in the rain. With 500 other people around doing it too, I looked less nutso so it was ok. =P.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!
I've kept it separate from my other blog to keep things orderly. I like that google has taken over blogger.com and I feel confident it will meet my needs. I just want to stay organized and keeping them separate will really help see the progress and hopefully motivate me some more.
I also hope through this blog that I can inspire others to challenge themselves and accomplish something they never in a million years thought was possible. That's how this whole marathon thing is even possible for me. I was never a runner and not at all athletic growing up. But 2 years ago, I was inspired by active coworkers and in Jan 2006, I signed up for my first half marathon. I completed the Disneyland half marathon September 2006 and have since run 3 more. I have Carlsbad coming up in 3 weeks as well. I've run many smaller races in between them. I just got addicted to crossing finish lines and probably the endorphins as well. Other things have changed too...lilke I drink more water and I get up early on SATURDAY morning to run. Imagine that! The whole thing has just made me believe that I can do anything and I'm up for at least trying.
So I've signed up for the SD track clubs Rockin' n Running marathon training program. You can check them out here: www.sdtc.com
My schedule for the next 22 weeks looks a little like this:
Tuesday-track workout
Friday-rest! yay!
Saturday-LONG run
Sunday-active recovery
It's crazy. I'm used to running maybe 3 times a week, so this is nuts. Today was the first time I ever ran in the rain. With 500 other people around doing it too, I looked less nutso so it was ok. =P.
Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!
The first Rockin' n Running meet
If anyone ever wanted to join a group or club full of happy people, the SD track club or any running club for that matter would top them all. It's got to be all those endorphins. Before the meeting and after the meeting people were smiling and laughing. I was even laughing cuz the whole situation was just funny. Imagine 500 people gathering on an early SATURDAY morning (early as in I got up at 5:30am!) in the pouring rain and then stretching and running for 30 + minutes in said rain. That's dedication and commitment to running. It was really quite inspiring. The people driving on the road past balboa park must have thought we were all nuts to be out in the rain, but we were there to run and it needed to be done.
A very interesting group of people. The next 22 weeks will definitely be interesting.
A very interesting group of people. The next 22 weeks will definitely be interesting.
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