Saturday, January 5, 2008

The first Rockin' n Running meet

If anyone ever wanted to join a group or club full of happy people, the SD track club or any running club for that matter would top them all. It's got to be all those endorphins. Before the meeting and after the meeting people were smiling and laughing. I was even laughing cuz the whole situation was just funny. Imagine 500 people gathering on an early SATURDAY morning (early as in I got up at 5:30am!) in the pouring rain and then stretching and running for 30 + minutes in said rain. That's dedication and commitment to running. It was really quite inspiring. The people driving on the road past balboa park must have thought we were all nuts to be out in the rain, but we were there to run and it needed to be done.

A very interesting group of people. The next 22 weeks will definitely be interesting.

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