Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Great debate on weight

Haha I come up with such awesome titles. Not really a debate as much as it was an agreeance and conversation but debate rhymes with weight so umm yea...lol. Initially, back in 2006 when I signed up for my first half marathon, the idea was to lose weight and go down a size. 2 years later and lots of miles later, I'm still the same size. But not to worry. I do fit better in my clothes and there has been a noticeable difference in face chub and most definitely in my leg muscles. Still walking around with that muffin top but it is possible the arms have shaped up a bit. Uyen and I agree that although the muffin top is still there, we are maintaining our weight instead of continuing to gain. What will help the most in losing it is what I eat. That's a must but also the hardest part. That was another agreeable conversation with my other friend Christine. You can only exercise so much. Consistency is key. One goal at a time I guess. Can't go overwhelming myself with a bunch of new goals.

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