Saturday, January 5, 2008

The intro and why I'm doing this blog

I decided to start this blog for several reasons. Number 1 reason is help keep me accountable to my new running schedule. Inspired by Dawn Dais and her book "The Non Runner's Marathon Guide for Women" (good book btw) it'll keep friends and family updated on my progress. Hopefully I don't stray and I stay on track...if not, by all means..say what you need to say to get my butt moving! =). I've left the comments open to public posting so you shouldn't need an account. I plan on updating this blog at least once a week, so that's at least 22 posts until the marathon. It'll most likely be more though.

I've kept it separate from my other blog to keep things orderly. I like that google has taken over and I feel confident it will meet my needs. I just want to stay organized and keeping them separate will really help see the progress and hopefully motivate me some more.

I also hope through this blog that I can inspire others to challenge themselves and accomplish something they never in a million years thought was possible. That's how this whole marathon thing is even possible for me. I was never a runner and not at all athletic growing up. But 2 years ago, I was inspired by active coworkers and in Jan 2006, I signed up for my first half marathon. I completed the Disneyland half marathon September 2006 and have since run 3 more. I have Carlsbad coming up in 3 weeks as well. I've run many smaller races in between them. I just got addicted to crossing finish lines and probably the endorphins as well. Other things have changed too...lilke I drink more water and I get up early on SATURDAY morning to run. Imagine that! The whole thing has just made me believe that I can do anything and I'm up for at least trying.

So I've signed up for the SD track clubs Rockin' n Running marathon training program. You can check them out here:
My schedule for the next 22 weeks looks a little like this:
Tuesday-track workout
Friday-rest! yay!
Saturday-LONG run
Sunday-active recovery

It's crazy. I'm used to running maybe 3 times a week, so this is nuts. Today was the first time I ever ran in the rain. With 500 other people around doing it too, I looked less nutso so it was ok. =P.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!


Christopher Rudy said...

This is very inspiring to read. I'm happy for you. I love you too!

Rich and Creamy said...

Oh no you're addicted to runner's high! lol

I hate running, so I'll read this blog with admiration and awe. luckily I like weight lifting so I'm not all out of shape.

I need more blogs to link on my blog, I'll add you there... comment me too! =D

Anonymous said...

Wow wow wow ! ;D
Yay, for you! Keep up your training. my schedule is basically like yours cause of basketball, but its fun right? haha. Take care <3

Anonymous said...

hi ate ellen mae! good luck on your first marathon! i'll be checking on your updates every week so keep it up. God bless!
-anne ramirez

Melissa said...

It's great to hear you've found something you love to do! If I didn't hate running, I would be right out there with you. :) Too bad you didn't go gun-ho on tennis! I will read along while you write. You will get through the finish line successfully as you have been this whole time, with all those that love you to watch and cheer, in one way or another. Congrats!

ARNOLD said...

Good luck to my dear niece.You can do it more.I'll always pray for your success not only in your profession but also in your "chosen sport". Just think positively and reminisce all your happy days while running and you can overtake them all. I just wish that I am also running with you even not side-by-side because I don't know if I can keep with your pace. Didn't you know that I have also ran the 21-km Puma Marathon and many 10-km. marathons while still working in the Philippines from 1982-1998?I still continue jogging for 15-20 minutes 3-times a week to keep fit and only for keeping up my body resistance. Good luck and always praise our LORD GOD not only for all our blessings but also for our sufferings. Praise GOD for all your success and good health. GOD bless you all in the family.
Tito Arnold B. Ramirez