Thursday, January 10, 2008

YMCA Resolution run pics- December 29, 2007

Pics from a YMCA resolution run. Resolve to be fit! It was free and started at 11am ! Ran around beautiful Balboa Park.

Not really any pics of me running because I had just gotten over an allergy attack. The day before, I went to the doctor for breathing problems and got an inhaler. Doc told me not to run. I ran 1 mile...haha so there weren't really any pics. The first one was before the event began and that's me tossing my tangerine in the air! haha. The next is after the race.. Uyen and I laughing about something to do with the raffle. Enjoy!


Amy P said...

Hi, I found your blog randomly and just wanted to leave some words of encouragement. I'm just getting into the marathon and half-marathon thing and started a blog to stay on track as well. Good luck with your training! -amy

Anonymous said...

Hi! Ellen Mae. Good luck with your training.