Monday, February 4, 2008

Surf City 5k

I look outside right now, and it's a gorgeous beautiful sunny day. Saturday was quite the same. Yesterday, sunday...was the complete opposite! What a crazy run that was. There were enough crazy people who showed up so the event went on. I could hear the rain all night. I got detoured as I was heading over to Huntington from Long Beach (from Ana and Nelson's place..Thanks guys!). Had to find the 405 freeway and take the longer original plan was just to take PCH all the I was fortunate to have left so early so I could account for the rain and detour. I was not at all prepared. I didn't have a trash bag or poncho or rain gear like everyone else. I was wearing my normal skort and running tech tee. It was freezing and windy. The things I do for a surfboard medal..i tell ya! haha. The wet look is not a good look on me. I don't like how my shirt stuck to my body. Huntington Beach is sooo pretty. Going to the expo saturday really showed that off. If the weather is sunny, I'd really like to do the half marathon next year. All those people who ran in the rain for the full and half marathon are brave!

As soon as I got over the coldness and I could feel my blood flowing in the first mile, things were ok. At the turn around, however, it was a head on wind. That really slowed me down. Rain and wind is no fun. My chip time for this 5k was 39:04 with a 12:35 min/mile pace. My worst time yet. Oh well. I'm sooo happy Ana and Nelson met me at the finish. They took pictures! I never had candid pictures and friends (who didn't run) watch me cross the finish line! That was sooo cool.

I thought I didn't get a good PR for the Super Run 10k but I checked my official chip time results and I actually did PR. woohoo! 10k time: 1:11:51 and pace: 11:34 min/mile.

1 comment:

E said...

Congrats on your PR! :)